Yup, its that time of year folks, the Writers Bloc Halloween show is here again. And rather than watch people pass out with the heat in our old venue, we’re trying somewhere new this year – the Beehive in the grassmarket. We’d love to see you there. So here’s the blurb…
Having trouble sleeping with the world economy in meltdown? Concerned for your job, pension and life savings? Are the nights drawing in a little tighter than they should? Return to a more manageable fear with the Writers’ Bloc Halloween show.
The Bloc Halloween show
GHOULS ON FILM celebrates classic scares on a budget: shlocky titles, cheap thrills, and overblown trailers which bear little resemblance to the film* they advertise. Expect whispers in the night, bizarre bakery murders and a new term at everybody’s favourite borstal.
Bloc is trying a NEW VENUE for this show — the all-singing, all-dancing** Beehive Inn, 18-20 Grassmarket. The show is on Wednesday 29th October and the literary projector spins up at 8pm. Bring your own preconceptions of what is truly horrible, and three of your Scottish pounds*** (two for concessions). Dutch courage**** is available at carefully chosen intervals.
Authors appearing include Stefan Pearson, Andrew J. Wilson, Morag Edward, Andrew C Ferguson, and Gavin Inglis.
Writers’ Bloc.
* text-only presentation
** show includes no actual singing or dancing
*** HBOS notes still accepted (correct at time of going to press)
**** this means beer
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